At 2 Tech we understand how important your privacy and personal information is. That’s why we offer a multitude of cyber security and anti-virus services and assistance. We can help keep your computer secure from common cyber threats like phishing scams, scareware, adware, bloatware, and anything else that might be giving you trouble. From simpler tasks like checking the health of your machine to virus removal we offer everything you or your business could need to keep your system secure. The best thing you can do is be prepared and at 2 Tech Computing we have a variety of pre-emptive things we can do to help in dealing with security issues including hard drive backups and restore point setup. Your security is not just having a good antivirus program and a backup, it’s knowing that your computer behaviors and habits largely affect how secure your system is and offering helpful tips and tricks that will ensure that your computer stays healthy and virus free. We offer in house services as well as remote virus removal services to help service our customers as best as possible.